
Year-To-Date: Ratings, Scores, Magazines
Past Years: 2017 2016 2015
Best ThemesRSR Anthologies

Here are links to over 200 highly recommended stories per year according to 5 SF/F awards, 5 "year's best" anthologies, and 5 prolific short fiction reviewers.

The best stories of each year are filtered through a four-stage process:
  1. Year-To-Date
    From Jan-Dec, the most-recommended stories from prolific SF/F short fiction reviewers (currently RSR, SFRevu, JMcGregor, GDozois, RHorton) are collected at the end of each month in the Year-To-Date page.
  2. <Year+1> Hugo Awards
    In Jan of the next year, the stories in the "year's best" anthologies (currently from GDozois, RHorton, JStrahan, NClarke) are combined with the Year-To-Date page, grouped by category and sorted by score to create the Hugo Awards page. A new Year-To-Date page is created and the old one is archived here in the RSR Library.
  3. Best SF/F Short Fiction
    In the summer of the next year, the finalists of five SF/F awards (currently the Nebula, Hugo, Eugie, Locus, and Sturgeon) and any late "year's best" anthologies (currently the BASFF) are combined with the Hugo Awards page, grouped by category and sorted by score to create the Best SF/F Short Fiction series of articles. The RSR Library replaces the Hugo Awards tab and the Hugo Awards page is archived here.
  4. RSR Anthologies
    In the summer and fall of the next year, some of the best SF/F short fiction stories are filtered by score > 1 and grouped by theme (currently Hard SF and LGBT) to create RSR Anthologies.

RSR Anthologies

2017: Coming summer & fall 2018
2016Hard SF (63), LGBT (33)
2015Hard SF (22)


Best SF/F Short Fiction
  • Coming summer 2018
2018 Hugo Awards


Best SF/F Short Fiction


Best SF/F Short Fiction
  • Retroactively coming spring 2018?
2016 Hugo Awards

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