★★☆☆☆ 0 RSR-recommended stories + 1 other out of 9
(Military SF) These stories describe various types of future warfare from the perspectives of soldiers, civilians, and support staff. (30,600 words; Time: 1h:42m)
"War Stories from the Future," edited by August Cole, published on November 12, 2015 by Atlantic Council.
Scenarios, Not Stories
Out of nine original stories, nothing rated above three stars, and four were one-star stories. The book is offered for free, and that probably explains the lack of serious editorial attention to the contents.It is possible that some of the non-stories (ones that read like Wikipedia entries with a few lines of dialogue mixed in) really were what the editors were shooting for. These are "stories" that outline some ideas of how a future conflict might go, but which make no serious attempt to introduce real characters. "Scenarios" might better describe them. Regardless, the results don't make for pleasant reading.
Other Reviews: Search Web
August Cole Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB
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