Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Clover, by Charlie Jane Anders

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(Modern Fantasy) Anwar and Joe get an unexpected cat and a promise of nine years of good luck. Things are great, until nine years later they get another cat. (6,143 words; Time: 20m)

Rating: ★★★☆☆ Average
Recommended By: RHorton:4

Add one star if you already read All the Birds in the Sky, although it does work even if you didn't.

"," by (edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden), published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Background: This all happens during the ten-year gap between the end of Book Two and the start of Book Three in "All the Birds in the Sky." The man who tries to keep Patricia a cat is Kawashima, who's her boss in book Three, but presumably this is part of her punishment for the Siberia debacle described in the book.

Pro: Patricia successfully escapes from the trap and Anwar and Joe patch things up. And Berkley gets rid of that other cat and gets an apology from Patricia.

It's very satisfying when Berkley bites Kawashima while defending Patricia.

Con: As a stand-alone story, it's light and forgettable.

Other Reviews: Search Web, Browse Review Sites (Issue 10/25/16)
Charlie Jane Anders Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

1 comment (may contain spoilers):

  1. Recommended if you have read and liked / loved "All the Birds in the Sky", like I did.

    Otherwise still a decent 3-star story.
