(Historical Fantasy) Boswell recounts a story of Dr. Johnson that he never revealed before. Involving a country estate, a scandal, and a ghost. (5,301 words; Time: 17m)
Rating: ★★★☆☆, Average
Although well-written, this story has almost zero speculative content.
"A Melancholy Apparition," by Ian Creasey, appeared in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction issue 09-10|16, published on September 05, 2016 by Spilogale Inc
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The story is well-written, and captures Boswell's voice very well. Between the two of them, they figure out the cause of the ghost's appearance and manage to press the man to do the right thing, solving several problems at once.
Con: If we assume the ghost is just a figment of the imagination, the story is pure historical fiction. Johnson's constant prattling about how God will take care of everything for everyone gets old fast.
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Con: If we assume the ghost is just a figment of the imagination, the story is pure historical fiction. Johnson's constant prattling about how God will take care of everything for everyone gets old fast.
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