Saturday, September 3, 2016

Anything for You, by Lisa Mason

(Near-Future SF) Willem loves Dr. Isley more than he loves his real life. Even though she's just a character in a soap opera. (3,466 words; Time: 11m)

Rating: ★★★☆☆, Average

"Anything for You," by , appeared in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction issue 09-10|16, published on by

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: We get a chill when we realize Willem's obsession with keeping Dr. Isley away from romantic involvement results from his reaction to his wife's affair. When he fails, he punishes Dr. Isley as much as he can and then kills himself.

Con: The story presents Willem's wife more sympathetically than it does Willem. His suicide comes as a relief, not a tragedy. One is surprised that the marriage counselor doesn't find Willem's extreme withdrawal alarming. The actual scenes with Dr. Isley are not very interesting--about like a real soap opera.

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