(High Fantasy) An old man, a former imperial soldier, confronts young rebels and his own past.
(7,237 words)
Rating: 2,
Not Recommended
The Nature of Ghosts and the Fate of Shadows, by Luke Nolby, appeared in the June 23, 2016 issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Issue 202).
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The broader message comes through clearly: whether fighting for the Empire or fighting against it, and despite any claims that the fighting is about "peace," the result is just as terrible to the victims. "We did it to ourselves" seems to have meaning on several levels.
Con: The story is too confused. At the end, we can't tell if he's describing his own death from hypothermia or just recounting something from his past. Whatever his goal was, whatever he still needed his body for, we never find it out.
Con: The story is too confused. At the end, we can't tell if he's describing his own death from hypothermia or just recounting something from his past. Whatever his goal was, whatever he still needed his body for, we never find it out.
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