(Modern Fantasy) Kyria comes from an old, famous, magical family in England. She's a modern woman, but her father still thinks he can set a bride price for her. (4,472 words)
Rating: 3,
"Bride Price," by S.E. Jones, appeared in the 20 June 2016 issue of Strange Horizons.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The story gets interesting when we learn what the bride price actually is. Kryia's father is much more sympathetic when we realize he's just trying to protect his daughter. The solution of roping her brother in--to make it fair--is amusing.
Con: It sure takes a long time before anything happens, and the final resolution is somewhat unsatisfying. There was no hint that offering two siblings was an "age-old tradition," nor is it clear what the equivalent "bride price" would be for the brother.
Con: It sure takes a long time before anything happens, and the final resolution is somewhat unsatisfying. There was no hint that offering two siblings was an "age-old tradition," nor is it clear what the equivalent "bride price" would be for the brother.
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