Sunday, October 8, 2023

Outstanding SF/F Horror of 2022

Although horror isn't our focus, we do review horror stories that turn up in our regular magazines, so in honor of Halloween, here are 26 outstanding SF/F horror stories from 2022 that were finalists for major SF/F ๐Ÿ†awards, included in "year's best" SF/F ๐Ÿ“™anthologies, or recommended by prolific ๐Ÿ‘reviewers in short fiction (see Q&A). That's 26 out of 250+ best SF/F stories from 2022. A story's score is the sum of the +n points in it's "Recommended By" list (click the Details link to see the awards, year's best, and reviewers and the points).

Click the links to highlight the stories discussed.

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