(Horror) During Prohibition, a coffin maker who often brings bodies over the frozen St. Lawrence river in the winter decides to earn some extra cash bringing a coffin full of liquor instead. (5,651 words; Time: 18m)
"The Stitch Beneath the Ice," by Ranylt Richildis [bio] (edited by Vanessa Rose Phin), appeared in Strange Horizons issue 07/20/20, published on July 20, 2020.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Review: 2020.397 (A Word for Authors)
Pro: The atmosphere is terrific. Even reading this in August, I find myself shivering with the man struggling across the ice in the bitter wind.
Con: The ending falls flat. We never do learn what those strange red logs across the ice were, but it’s hard to see how cutting them caused Canada to disappear.
Other Reviews: Search Web
Ranylt Richildis Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline
Follow RSR on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, or E-mail.
Pro: The atmosphere is terrific. Even reading this in August, I find myself shivering with the man struggling across the ice in the bitter wind.
Con: The ending falls flat. We never do learn what those strange red logs across the ice were, but it’s hard to see how cutting them caused Canada to disappear.
Other Reviews: Search Web
Ranylt Richildis Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline
Follow RSR on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, or E-mail.
Whatever they were, he seemed to have unstitched Canada from the US. Blog post from the author talks about the details coming from her own family history: https://ranylt.wordpress.com/2020/07/20/this-ones-personal/