Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Cosmic Crust, by Alex Sherman


(Horror) The world is dying, but Bhu’s biggest priority is to keep his dog well-fed. Fortunately, his boss at the restaurant where he works can help him. (5,601 words; Time: 18m)

"," by (edited by Ann VanderMeer), published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2020.208 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: It’s clear from the start the Lucy isn’t long for this world. The question is what’s going to happen and how will it affect Bhu?

When Phan proves meat for Lucy, it’s creepy that we don’t know where it came from. (I kept thinking it was human.) And when it miraculously makes Lucy better, we’re sure there’ll be a price to pay. Unsurprisingly, part of the price is that you have to keep eating it.

Con: When the story goes off the rails, it really goes all the way! The food comes from a plant, and the plant may somehow be the cause of all the world’s problems. The diner burns, but the oven becomes an eternal flame and a pilgrimage site. Lucy wastes away to nothing but skin after just 24 hours without the special food. And she’s replaced by a monster.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Alex Sherman Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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