Thursday, November 7, 2019

Just a Guy and Some Aliens, by Michael Carroll


(SF Epic) A Spanish exoplanet specialist joins a team launching a probe to Ο„ Ceti and spends the rest of her career with it. (3,996 words; Time: 13m)

"Just a Guy and Some Aliens," by (edited by Trevor Quachri), appeared in issue 11-12|19, published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2019.606 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: The idea of sending a probe and transmitting the info back is a decent one. It’s also sensible that the aliens don’t have human DNA.

Con: The non-technical parts of the story just don’t seem to work. The dialogue is uneven, and the characters are all wooden. There’s way too many infodumps, and many of them are the as-you-know-Bob variety.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Michael Carroll Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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