Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Champion of Nigh-Space, by Tim Pratt

★★★★☆ Funny, Twisty, Thrilling, and . . . Kinky?

(Multiverse Space Opera) Glenn and Vivian are Berkley students with a good thing going up until he finds out what she really does for a living, and it’s literally out of this world. (7,205 words; Time: 24m)

Although Uncanny lists this as a reprint, its original printing was earlier in 2019, so it’s still eligible for the 2020 Hugo Awards.

"A Champion of Nigh-Space," by (edited by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas), appeared in issue 29, published on .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2019.396 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: This is a fun story! It has very mature themes, but it’s delightfully light-hearted at the same time.

The intro lets us know that Glenn and Vivian have a kinky relationship, but it also tells us that he’s an awfully nice guy. Just as important, we see he’s in safe hands with Vivian, who doesn’t want him to have a tattoo that could embarrass him if they broke up later. They’re a good couple.

The story doesn’t really start until he gets transported to her (in a whole other universe) and finds out she’s an agent for an interdimensional agency of some kind. From that point, they’ve both got to figure out how to get home, but Glenn has to decide if he can still trust her. That’s deeply serious because their whole relationship depends on him trusting her absolutely.

I especially like the fact that Glenn has real agency in this story. He has help from Eddie and Vivian, but, in the end, he’s the one who saves the day.

Con: It was light and fun but not particularly deep. The heroes are victorious and they pay no price at all.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Tim Pratt Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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