Monday, February 26, 2018

The Camel's Tail, by Tom Jolly

★★★☆☆ Mixed

(SF Adventure) Somalia isn’t the best place to run a family-based space company from, and Garaad and his wife need a big success on this trip or they’ll lose their spaceship. (7,095 words; Time: 23m)

"The Camel's Tail," by (edited by Trevor Quachri), appeared in issue 03-04|18, published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The setup is very entertaining, and it’s hilarious that the alien probe is destroyed not by hostile action but simply by all the Earth teams trying to take samples from it.

Con: The dialogue is unnatural in several places, and so is the science. For example, the explosion would have had to be incredible for the aliens to detect it from hundreds of light-years away.

Other Reviews: Search Web, Browse Review Sites (Issue 03-04|18)
Tom Jolly Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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