Saturday, December 31, 2016

Underground, by Karin Tidbeck

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(Slipstream) Hedvig’s father accidentally trades her to a cursed prince—which doesn’t happen every day in modern America—and then things get strange. (4,475 words; Time: 14m)

Rating: ★★★☆☆ Average

"Underground," by (edited by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe), appeared in (RSR review), published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: At first Hedvig just wants to go home, but eventually she just wants to have a normal life with Ruben, and she’s willing to fight hard for it.

This is based on the fairy tale Prince Hat under the Ground, which is the Swedish version of East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

Con: The victory seems to be too easy. She strangles the countess with a scarf and then everything is fixed?

Other Reviews: Search Web,

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