★★★★☆ Moving Story with Rich, Authentic Characters
(Black Historical Fantasy) In the closing years of segregation, Emmaline uses her magic to help neighbors and protect her children, for trouble is coming. (7,448 words; Time: 24m)
Recommended By: π₁BASFF+1 π₁JStrahan+2 π₂PGuran+1 πRSR+1 (Q&A)
"Red Dirt Witch," by N.K. Jemisin [bio] (edited by Daniel JosΓ© Older), appeared in Fantasy Magazine issue 60, published on December 1, 2016.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Review: 2016.876 (A Word for Authors)
Pro: Emmaline has a simple goal: protect her children from the Red Lady. She achieves that, at great cost.
The epilogue reveals that the Red Lady honored her end of the bargain, and we're gratified to learn it. And to learn that Emmaline herself may go free when the power of superstition is finally destroyed for good.
The descriptions of the lives and personalities in the "Negro neighborhood" ring true, as do the concerns of a single mother anxious about her children's futures.
Con: We're not really sure about the extent of Emmaline's powers until she uses them, and that takes a bit of the punch out of the climax. The plot is robust but simple.
Other Reviews: Search Web
N.K. Jemisin Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline
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Pro: Emmaline has a simple goal: protect her children from the Red Lady. She achieves that, at great cost.
The epilogue reveals that the Red Lady honored her end of the bargain, and we're gratified to learn it. And to learn that Emmaline herself may go free when the power of superstition is finally destroyed for good.
The descriptions of the lives and personalities in the "Negro neighborhood" ring true, as do the concerns of a single mother anxious about her children's futures.
Con: We're not really sure about the extent of Emmaline's powers until she uses them, and that takes a bit of the punch out of the climax. The plot is robust but simple.
Other Reviews: Search Web
N.K. Jemisin Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline
Follow RSR on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, or E-mail.
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