(Horror) Death comes for the wtich-doctor, but he's not ready to go quite yet. (200 words; Time: 00m)
Rating: ★★★☆☆ Average
Recommended By: SFRevu:4"When She Comes," by Onu-Okpara Chiamaka [bio] (edited by Jason Sizemore), appeared in Apex Magazine issue 90, published on November 1, 2016.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The arrogant witch-doctor gets his comeuppance.
Con: If he raised the dead to life in the past, that greatly diminishes the role of death. It's hard to believe he let her touch him, or that he wasn't at least suspicious of what her touch might mean.
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Con: If he raised the dead to life in the past, that greatly diminishes the role of death. It's hard to believe he let her touch him, or that he wasn't at least suspicious of what her touch might mean.
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