Monday, November 21, 2016

The Iron Beast, by Andy Remic

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(World War I Horror; No Man's Land) The three-part series concludes with Robert Jones fighting the Walriders in the other world. (28,417 words; Time: 1h:34m)

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Not Recommended

This installment is unreadable without having already read A Song for No Man’s Land and Return of Souls. See related articles on
"," by (edited by Lee Harris), published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The story of Robert Jones does reach a conclusion. The battle between good and evil is joined, and, although Jones dies, his evocation of all the human soldier heroes of all the ages wins the day. The meaning of the title is very inspirational:
The Iron Beast is the iron reserve of all good men. It is the strength which binds us. . . . The Iron Beast is the pumping heart of every hero, every good man, every brave soldier who died giving his life for what he believes in. It is the greatest weapon we will ever have, because it's what powers humanity to fight against evil.
Con: As with the previous installments, the story is a long, dull slog. The battle scenes go on forever, and it is very hard to care about any of the characters.

Other Reviews: Search Web,
Andy Remic Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB

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