(Horror Humor) When he's not stalking his ex, Richard earn extra cash scattering the ashes of dead people. (11,291 words; Time: 37m)
Rating: ★★★☆☆, Average
"Wretched the Romantic," by Michael Libling, appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction issue 10-11|16, published on September 22, 2016 by Penny Publications.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: Richard certainly turns his life around, and he even gets to date the weather lady before realizing Emma was all he ever wanted. Lots of laughs, albeit macabre ones.
Con: It doesn't do much with its premise; gross enough that he's eating ashes to get abilities, but those abilities don't actually amount to much. We could almost believe that he imagined the whole thing.
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Con: It doesn't do much with its premise; gross enough that he's eating ashes to get abilities, but those abilities don't actually amount to much. We could almost believe that he imagined the whole thing.
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