Sunday, August 14, 2016

The War of Heroes, by Kameron Hurley

(SF) The "Heroes" are gradually destroying Yousra's world, but she finds a way to use a castrated prisoner to fight back. (8,595 words)

Rating: 3, Unremarkable
Although this story is a reprint, it originally appeared in 2016 Patreon posting, so it's eligible for the 2017 Hugo Awards.

, by appeared in the August 2016 issue of Lightspeed Magazine (Issue 75), published .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: Yousra gets her vengeance, and after that, she's ready to die. She's finished and so is the story. The castrated youth gets his vengeance with hers--possibly as the intelligence animating the lead ship.

Con: The actions of the Heroes are hard to believe, even at the end. Yousra does so many horrible things that we have trouble feeling any sympathy for her.

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