(Hard SF) Charlie's team has been out of touch with the Mars mission for a month. While she's attending her mother's funeral, a mysterious 47-second-long message arrives. (6,864 words; Time: 22m)
Rating: ★★★☆☆ Average
Recommended By: SFRevu:4"First Light At Mistaken Point," by Kali Wallace [bio], appeared in Clarkesworld issue 119, published on August 1, 2016.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: This story is really about how Charlie tries to patch up her relationship with her sister, Cath. They too have been out of communication for a long time, and now they struggle to understand each other. When they've cleared the air, the story ends naturally.
Con: Replace the message from Mars with a corporate problem of some sort and the story is exactly the same.
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Con: Replace the message from Mars with a corporate problem of some sort and the story is exactly the same.
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