(Fantasy Science) Tuela's people fly among the remains of their shattered world, stealing water from a neighbor planet. Tuela presents an argument that things should change. (13,449 words; Time: 44m)
Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Not Recommended
Recommended By: RHorton:5"Alone, On The Wind," by Karla Schmidt [bio] (translated by Lara Harmon, edited by Neil Clarke), appeared in Clarkesworld issue 119, published on August 1, 2016.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The story has moments when it actually works, such as when Tuela addresses Pierre's people and they give er a job.
Con: For the most part, this is a long, dull slog through pure exposition without action. Worse, the story is filled with one bit of pseudoscientific nonsense after another. Using a "seven-dimensional kernel" to move things around. Or a world 99% covered with "acid sand" but which nevertheless has an oxygen atmosphere. Or coming so close to a world that it's gravity abruptly sucks you into it.
Finally, it makes zero sense that a neuter individual like Tuela would want to have sex with someone like Pierre. Or even that they could do so without him injuring her, owing to his far greater strength and her bird-like fragility.
Other Reviews: Search Web, Browse Review Sites (Issue 119)
Karla Schmidt Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB
Con: For the most part, this is a long, dull slog through pure exposition without action. Worse, the story is filled with one bit of pseudoscientific nonsense after another. Using a "seven-dimensional kernel" to move things around. Or a world 99% covered with "acid sand" but which nevertheless has an oxygen atmosphere. Or coming so close to a world that it's gravity abruptly sucks you into it.
Finally, it makes zero sense that a neuter individual like Tuela would want to have sex with someone like Pierre. Or even that they could do so without him injuring her, owing to his far greater strength and her bird-like fragility.
Other Reviews: Search Web, Browse Review Sites (Issue 119)
Karla Schmidt Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB
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