Monday, July 4, 2016

Lazarus and the Amazing Kid Phoenix, by Jennifer Giesbrecht

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(Superheroes) A kid who was burned to death returns to life as a human torch, eager for revenge. Old Man Gasper has a similar story, a different power, and advises caution. (7,500 words; Time: 25m)

Rating: ★★★★★ Award-Worthy
Recommended By: SFRevu:4

"," by (edited by Jason Sizemore), appeared in issue 86, published on .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The twist is great: Old Man Gasper's revelation that everyone who comes back at all comes back whole, to begin with, and only becomes monstrous gradually--as he/she uses powers for monstrous ends. It gives a solid reason why the superheroes only do good and never kill anyone.

Gasper's sacrifice makes the narrator grow up. He doesn't promise he'd never kill anyone, but he learned to use his power wisely, for as long as it lasted.

The final scene, we presume, occurs after the narrator has completely used himself up, at which point he goes "down below" and can council new victims. It answers the question "why does this happen to some people?" The answer is: because they choose it.

Con: The snippets of comic-book dialogue are lame and don't contribute anything.

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