Rating: 3,
"An Ocean the Color of Bruises," by Isabel Yap, appeared in the July/August 2016 issue of Uncanny Magazine (Issue 11), published July 5, 2016.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: This is a group story, told in second-person plural. There is no single narrator. They have a group objective, more or less, which appears to be to convince themselves that life is going to be okay for them. But when the zombies attack, they realize they're already zombies themselves. Swimming away from shore, they appear to accept their fate.
Con: Is it really true that they've all failed? Heinz and Chino seem to be very happy with each other, and Heinz and Nina both appear to be quite successful. Josie and Rich are the two who seem to be failing, although they're all rather young to have reached that conclusion.
Con: Is it really true that they've all failed? Heinz and Chino seem to be very happy with each other, and Heinz and Nina both appear to be quite successful. Josie and Rich are the two who seem to be failing, although they're all rather young to have reached that conclusion.
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