Monday, June 13, 2016

Blood Reckonings, by Alec Austin

(High Fantasy) Beatriz seeks a priceless relic hidden in a tomb. Two popes contend for it, but she has her own plans. (3,310 words)

Rating: 3, Unremarkable

"," by appeared in the issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Issue 201). It is set in the same world as his earlier work, Blood Remembers, but the stories are only loosely connected.

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: There's a very complex background to this alternate history, and although we only see a fragment in this story, we get a good idea how extensive it is.

Con: Beatriz is too powerful to make the story very interesting; there's never any doubt of the outcome.

The text implies that Beatriz was going to use the pennon to free her sister from the mirror, but it's unclear whether she actually did anything with it.

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