(Cartoon Humor) Someone in the Alliance of Doom has stolen Dr. Nemesis's smoothie, and he e-mails his fellow super-villains to complain. (866 words)
Rating: 4,
"An Open Letter to the Person Who Took My Smoothie from the Break Room Fridge," by Oliver Buckram, appeared in the July/August 2016 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, published July 5, 2016, by Spilogale Inc.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: I was so distracted by the appalling thought of Dr. Nemesis killing everyone in the office that I wasn't expecting the twist at the end at all. Well played!
Con: It's a short-short, so there's not much to it. And, of course, it's very silly.
Con: It's a short-short, so there's not much to it. And, of course, it's very silly.
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