Thursday, March 31, 2016

Starless Night, by Robert R. Chase

(Military SF) After some "desperate" medical procedure, the narrator awakes in an abandoned hospital. He can't even remember his name, but there's something very important he needs to do. (4,628 words)

Rating: 3, Average

"Starless Night," by appeared in the April/May 2016 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction, published March 24, 2016, by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: Nice double twist. First, that he's not firing the weapon--he's giving it to the aliens. Second, that it's a trojan horse. And the very last line, "stars began to fall," was very moving.

Con: The whole thing seems extremely unlikely to succeed. Given the enemy's technical superiority, why are they even interested in the human technology? And was taking out a few enemy ships going to make any real difference?

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