(SF) Anat doesn't remember her parents, but she loves her brother Oscar. They live in a wonderful world full of strange creatures and machines. The more she learns, the stranger things seem. (5,594 words; Time: 18m)
Rating: ★★★★☆, Recommended
Recommended By: GDozois:5 RHorton:5"The Game of Smash and Recovery," by Kelly Link, appeared in Strange Horizons issue 10/19/15, published on October 19, 2015.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The story starts off with a strong fantasy feel, but we gradually start to pick up on the hints that our unreliable narrator is giving a child's description of things like robots, native life forms, etc. As we near the end, as the pieces of the starship start coming together, the pieces of the story do likewise. Nicely done.
Con: Told almost entirely in narration, the story distances us from the protagonist, so we feel no emotion at her success. We worry a bit about the passengers she believes she's still carrying, and about her sanity in general.
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Con: Told almost entirely in narration, the story distances us from the protagonist, so we feel no emotion at her success. We worry a bit about the passengers she believes she's still carrying, and about her sanity in general.
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