(Military Fantasy) In desperation, an aging warrior and his son seek help from ancient witches to protect a mountain pass against an enormous invasion force. A damned good read. (7,200 words; Time: 24m)
Rating: ★★★★☆, Recommended
"The Damned One Hundred," by Jonathan Maberry (edited by John Joseph Adams), appeared in Operation Arcana (RSR review), published on February 16, 2015 by Baen Books.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: We have lots of hints that the women are vampires, so it's a big ah-ha moment when that's revealed. It's extremely satisfying when the invasion force abruptly realizes what they're actually facing.
Kellur, Kan, and their troops make the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and that's hard not to respect.
Con: We don't really get to know any of them well enough to be deeply moved by their sacrifice. Also, we wonder a bit whether they'll end up creating enemy vampires in the process. Is this really going to work?
Other Reviews: Search Web, GoodReads.com
Kellur, Kan, and their troops make the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and that's hard not to respect.
Con: We don't really get to know any of them well enough to be deeply moved by their sacrifice. Also, we wonder a bit whether they'll end up creating enemy vampires in the process. Is this really going to work?
Other Reviews: Search Web, GoodReads.com
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