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(SF) Teenage Bea would do anything for Theo, including breaking into the lab where her mom works to get pictures of a real brainwhale. Fun read. (5,400 words; Time: 18m)
"Brainwhales are Stoners, Too," by Rich Larson [bio] (edited by Andy Cox), appeared in Interzone issue 257, published on March 1, 2015 by TTA Press.
Illustration by Warwick Fraser-Coombe Pro: The interactions between Theo and Bea feel very real. The way Bea's image of Theo gradually decays is priceless. At the end, she's done with him, and we're not sure how much the whale had to do with it, but we approve.
Con: The story is linear, with no foreshadowing. Theo is pretty much a cardboard character. We never do quite figure out what the whale is really there for.
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