Monday, November 23, 2015

Heart Of Brass, by Alex Jennings

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At need, Thea becomes the Brass Monkey, who roams the streets of Seattle fighting crime and super villains. But Thea is dissatisfied and wants to spend more time with her boyfriend. (9,800 words; Time: 32m)

Rating: ★★★☆☆, Average

"Heart Of Brass," by (edited by Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell), appeared in Stories for Chip (RSR review), published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The basic arc of the story is how Thea went from dissatisfied to accepting her role.

Con: There's enough background info for a novel, but little or nothing is done with most of it. A few points are simply confusing. Did she and John ever make love? What happened with Sakyo at the end? Did he mutilate Simon? Was it the Rangda mask? Lots of loose ends in this one.

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