Rating: 3, Good, ordinary, story Recommended By: SFRevu:4
The narrator and her two sisters have come to clean out their comatose mother's house and select items they might want to remember her by.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The three sisters have very different personalities, and by the end of the story, we know them all very well. The hints that something wasn't quite normal accumulate, as do the hints that the mother needs some help before she can leave this world. The ending comes together as we might expect it to.
Con: Aliens that were similar enough to human to fool doctors but not enough to be fertile are hard to believe. It's disappointing that we don't learn any more than this about the mystery,
Con: Aliens that were similar enough to human to fool doctors but not enough to be fertile are hard to believe. It's disappointing that we don't learn any more than this about the mystery,
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