Rating: 3, Good, ordinary, story Recommended By: io9
Kim and Alana are two bodies sharing a single mind, which makes them world-class gymnasts--as long as they keep it a secret.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: Nice concept, well-executed. They want to win the world championship so they can reveal themselves to the world, and they manage it.
Con: The idea that they'd just put up with being slaves is hard to credit. In particular, it's hard to believe they can sleep with other gymnasts (they're not prohibited from that) and yet they're under such control that they can't ask around to find out their real identities. It's also a puzzle that their connection works even when they're not in the same room.
Con: The idea that they'd just put up with being slaves is hard to credit. In particular, it's hard to believe they can sleep with other gymnasts (they're not prohibited from that) and yet they're under such control that they can't ask around to find out their real identities. It's also a puzzle that their connection works even when they're not in the same room.
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