Rating: 3, Good, ordinary, story Recommended By: io9 SFEP
Lola (aka Eliza) has had problems dealing with people ever since she was a child, but she's always been good with snakes.
Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)
Pro: The story does a good job of building up the tension about Kenny. The fact that the neighbors come to apologize after Lola bites their child speaks volumes about how much people fear Kenny. The love between Lola and Tallulah develops naturally, although we're a little surprised to learn they grow up to be lesbians. The snake transformations are handled well.
Con: Obviously the subject matter itself is disturbing--rape and incest. It seems a little surprising that they kill Kenny so easily, given that he can become a snake too. In fact, we wonder why he didn't escape from prison that way.
Con: Obviously the subject matter itself is disturbing--rape and incest. It seems a little surprising that they kill Kenny so easily, given that he can become a snake too. In fact, we wonder why he didn't escape from prison that way.
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