
Sunday, December 1, 2024

Outstanding SF/F by People of Color 2023

In the spirit of Lightspeed Magazine's famous People of Color Destroy Science Fiction series, here are 62 stories by 57 people of color that had scores of 3 or higher from RSR's 2023 Best SF/F list. That list contains the 262 most-recommended stories out of 600+ covered, so the 62 stories by people of color make up around 24% of the best of 2023.

Some stories not reviewed by RSR are in the Best SF/F list because they were award finalists ๐Ÿ†, included in year's best anthologies ๐Ÿ“™, or recommended by other prolific reviewers ๐Ÿ‘ (see Q&A for SF/F awards, year's best anthologies, and prolific reviewers followed).

Readers asked us to make it easy for them to find good stories written by authors with diverse racial backgrounds, and that’s what this list is meant to accomplish (author identity plays no role in our ratings). This is the seventh year we've done this list (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015-2016).

Please leave a comment if you see a story by a person of color in our 2023 Best SF/F list that isn't included here, or if a story here isn't by a person of color. We browsed author bios on the web to identify people of color but with hundreds of authors to look up, it's easy to make mistakes. Thank you.

Click the links to highlight the stories discussed.

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