
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The LEAP Test, by Alex Jennings

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[Strange Horizons]

(Portal Fantasy) Refugees from other worlds have to pass regular tests to make sure they’re integrating properly into our world. (2,414 words; Time: 08m)

"," by (edited by Vanessa Rose Phin), appeared in issue 07/13/20, published on .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2020.394 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: It’s a very cute reverse portal story, where people from a different world are coming here. The twist that you come back as a child and have to go through modern childhood, including school, is amusing, as is the fact that the ones who can’t fit in go to a “permanent summer camp.”

Con: The story takes an unexpectedly ugly turn at the end, but it’s not clear why. Particularly when we learn that Lamont actually does visit his family back in Fournice. So why are people like Scander dragged here and forced to be kids again?

Other Reviews: Search Web
Alex Jennings Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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1 comment (may contain spoilers):

  1. My impression was that they were originally from here. Like the Narnia children, they left as kids, grew up spending many years in the other world, and then came back to their child bodies with almost no time passed here. The family Lamont has now is after growing up a second time back here in our world. I thought the ending was still pretty harsh though, but I guess catastrophic things might happen if they try to return.
