
Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Monsters of Olympus Mons, by Brian Trent

★★★★☆ Plenty of Twists and Excitement

(SF Thriller) In the midst of a Martian Civil war, a wounded old man finds three monsters playing cards outside the abandoned Museum of Colonization, and he asks for their help. (8,370 words; Time: 27m)

Recommended By: 👍STomaino+2 (Q&A)

"The Monsters of Olympus Mons," by (edited by C.C. Finlay), appeared in issue 07-08|20, published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2020.375 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: The characters are the biggest strength of this story. Parillo just wanted to remove the flag. Colin and Lilly want to finish the job for him, but Anthony wants them to stay safe in the museum. And Kleve just wants to kill.

I particularly liked the way Kleve and his pilot are both susceptible to their fears of the monsters, even though they know they’re just robots.

The descriptions of Olympus Mons on a terraformed Mars were spot-on, as far as I can tell.

Con: In today’s environment, I have a hard time believing it would be enough to broadcast the truth to people. Also, Kleve is a cardboard villain; he’s not just evil—he prides himself on it.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Brian Trent Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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