
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Greatest Day, by Eric Choi

★★★☆☆ Honorable Mention

(Alternate History) A story in which the Columbia space shuttle disaster has a different outcome. (6,862 words; Time: 22m)

"The Greatest Day," by (edited by Trevor Quachri), appeared in issue 01-02|20, published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2020.006 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: The story does a great job of capturing the way NASA operates, at least to the extent I know it from watching launches and reading about it. It’s got plenty of suspense and excitement, and it manages to be moving as well.

Con: The characters are all pretty flat. Also, given the solution they opted for, I wondered why they didn’t set that up in parallel with the attempted launch rather than waiting until the end.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Eric Choi Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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