
Monday, May 7, 2018

We Will Be All Right, by Carolyn Ives Gilman

★★☆☆☆ Not Recommended

(Apocalypse) A sexually-transmitted disease has killed off most of the male population, but a mother is willing to do anything to protect her son. (929 words; Time: 03m)

"We Will Be All Right," by (edited by John Joseph Adams), appeared in issue 96, published on .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The situation is an awful one, but we're glad the narrator decided not to kill anyone after all.

Con: There’s really no story here—just a political message.

Other Reviews: Search Web, Browse Review Sites (Issue 96)
Carolyn Ives Gilman Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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