
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quiet Town, by Jason Gurley

Lightspeed Magazine, April 2015; 2,488 words
Rating: 3, Good, ordinary, story

Bev and her son Benj are among the last people left in town when bad news arrives.

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Pro: The build up introduces us to Bev and Ezze, so when we learn that the sea wall is overflowing, we have enough invested in the story that we actually care. When Benj says "Mama, we gotta go," it's heartbreaking to realize that it's already too late.

Con: But is it really too late? Yes, the story implies that it has been too late for quite some time, but, seriously, there should be places to go and/or things to climb.

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