
Friday, September 11, 2015

Pollen from a Future Harvest, by Derek Künsken

Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2015; ~25,000 words
Rating: 2, Not recommended  Recommended By:    SFEP

In the 24th Century, Major Okonkwo investigates the suspicious death of her husband in the context of research on a secret portal that links 11 years into the past and the future.

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

This is quite a good detective story, and the dialogue consistently reads smoothly. The later parts of the novella are the best precisely because there's more dialogue and less narrative.

The narration is fairly bad. One infodump after another, but also numerous show-v-tell problems make the earlier part of the novella a slog to get through. It also doesn't help that numerous characters have similar-sounding names.

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